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Folk Music Center

The Folk Music Centre brings Icelandic folk music to life. People from all over Iceland can be seen singing folk songs, playing traditional instru­ments and performing folk dances.

The Folk Music Center is situated in the house of Rev. Bjarni Thorsteins­ son, who’s famous collection of Icelandic folk songs, from the end of the 19th century, was published in 1906.

Aðgangseyrir/Entrance fee:
Adults: 1400 ISK
Seniors & students: 900 ISK
Children up to 16: ókeypis/free
Combined ticket with the Herring Era Museum ISK 2400/1300

Groups (8+ guests):
Museum entry: 1200 ISK á mann/per person
Museum visit with guided tour: 1200 ISK per person + 8000 ISK guided tour

Opnunartímar/Opening Hours:
Summer: June 1 – August 31, 11 am – 5 pm
Winter: September – May: by arrangement

What is available