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1238: The Battle of Iceland

The exhibition, 1238 : The Battle of Iceland, revolves around the most famous part of the Icelandic Sagas - Sturlung Era (1220 - 1264); the bloodiest and most violent era in Icelandic history. Sturlunga is recreated with interactive technology and brings to life, in a fascinating vision, Iceland's most dramatic clash of family clans and the fatal civil war that ended Iceland's independence.

1238 : The Battle of Iceland, is an immersive exhibition that goes a step beyond the regular history museum. The exhibition offers people of all ages to experience history in a very modern and artful interactive installations and to take part in dramatic events through virtual reality. Whether visitors have great or no interest in history the visit is  truly an amazing experience.

Café & Bistro, Souvenir Shop and Tourist Information Office is also located at 1238 : The Battle of Iceland.

Open daily in summertime: 10am – 4pm
Open Monday-Saturdays in wintertime: 10am -4pm

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1238: The Battle of Iceland

Sögusetrið 1238 Baráttan um Ísland segir sögu Sturlungaaldarinnar í gagnvirkri sýningu sem gengur skrefinu lengra en hefðbundnar fræðslusýningar. Með hjálp nýjustu tækni, í miðlun og sýndarveruleika, bjóðum við gestum á öllum aldri að taka þátt og upplifa söguna sem aldrei fyrr.

Áhersla er lögð á þá stóru bardaga sem einkenndu öld Sturluna, einkum Örlygsstaðabardaga, sem fram fór árið 1238. Í anddyri sýningarinnar er einnig rekin minjagripaverslun, upplýsingamiðstöð og veitingastaðurinn Grána Bistró. 

Sumaropnunartími: Opið alla daga 10:00 – 16:00
Vetraropnunartími: Opið mán-lau 10:00 - 16:00

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