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Möðrudalur is the highest settled farm in Iceland, 469 meters ( 1.539 feet) above sea-level. It has been inhabited since early settlement in Iceland and Möðrudalur has served as a presbytery for centuries. The builder of the church in Möðrudalur was Jón A. Stefánsson (1880 – 1971). He was a great farmer and a multitask-artist and the altarpiece is made by himself. His son was Stefan ,,Stórval“ Jónsson ( 1908 – 1994), one of a kind character and a painter. The panorama view from the farm is interesting in many ways – judge for yourself. 

Several hiking trails are available in the area, and you can get maps at the information center. There you can also see a film that shows the eruption in Holuhraun 2014. Möðrudalur is close to many incomparable natural gems such as Herðubreiðarlindir, Askja, Kverkfjöll, Hvannalindir, Jökuldalsheiði Stuðlagil and Stórurður. 

Campsites open from June until mid-September.