Sænautasel is a remote traditional farmhouse on the Jökuldalsheiði moor, orginally erected in 1843. The place was inhabited a full century. In 1861 the moorland saw 16 such heath farms but during the Askja eruption of 1875 they mostly vanished. Sænautasel was abandoned in 1945. Among the last inhabitants was a boy of eleven who still pays tribute to his childhood dwellings in the summertime. The farm was rebuilt in 1992. It was partly damaged by heavy snowfall in 2009 but the damage has been repaired. Sænautasel served as a model for Nobel prize writer Halldór Laxness when he wrote the novel "Independent people". It is a highly interesting example of n-mid 19th century architecture and is only 5 km away from the main road. In summer refreshments are available at Sænautasel.
Merki í Jökuldal
701 Egilsstaðir
Sími: 855-5399 / 471-1086
Opið frá 1. júni til 10. september 9-22 og samkvæmt samkomulagi