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Samúel Jónsson´s Art Museum

 Samúel Jónsson (1884-1969) has been called "the simple-hearted artist". When he received old-age pension, he built an art museum and a church, made models of distant landmark buildings, and painted works of art in Selárdalur, without having had any training in art. At Brautarholt in Selárdalur he made statues of seals, lions, a seahorse, ducks

with their young on their backs and of Leif Ericsson. Not only that; he built a church he intended to preserve an altarpiece he had made that the parish church had rejected. Over the past two decades, the Association of the Samúel Jónsson Art Museum of has restored the sculptures and buildings by Samúel and rebuilt his residence in Brautarholt. The museum is open to visitors during the summer season and everyone is welcome to have coffee in the house of Samúel.  

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